How to Get Rid of Blemishes & Whiteheads


Whiteheads and blemishes strike just about everyone at some point in their lives. Blemishes and whiteheads form when the pores in your face clog up with dead skin and oil. This happens when you sweat, get dirt and oil into your pores, or don’t take care of your skin properly. The most common places to get blemishes and whiteheads are on your cheeks, chin, nose and forehead, although they can form almost anywhere on your body. You can help get rid of your blemishes and whiteheads if you clean your skin the correct way, use the right medication and take vitamins.

Step 1

Wash your face. Cleanse your skin twice a day with a mild facial cleanser. Avoid soap or lotion that contains astringent or harsh chemicals, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Step 2

Use steam to get out the dirt and oil clogged up in your pores. The heat from the steam can help get out all the dirt and oil that are built up in your skin. Boil hot water in a pot, then pour the water into a bowl. Place your face far enough away from the steam so that you don’t scorch it, but close enough so you can feel the steam. Place a towel over your head to trap the steam in a tent-like structure. Keep your face underneath the tent for at least 10 minutes. Wash your face immediately after you take off the towel, as you need to wash away the dirt and oil that have come to the surface.

Step 3

Use aloe vera on your whiteheads and blemishes. Aloe vera contains an enzyme that kills the bacteria built up in your whiteheads. Aloe vera also reduces the inflammation in your blemishes. You can either buy aloe vera gel at the pharmacy or buy an aloe vera plant to get the purest form of aloe vera. If you have a plant, break off the leaf and squeeze the juice into your hand. Put the juice onto your whiteheads and blemishes. If you buy aloe vera gel, look for gel that is mostly aloe vera. There are many lotions and creams out there that claim to be aloe vera but that contain very little of the enzyme.

Step 4

Get a facial. An esthetician can professionally remove your whiteheads safely without scarring. Estheticians use a tool called an extractor, which is a thin, long tool with loops on the end that extract all the dirt and oil built up in your whiteheads. Go to estheticians who are trained and know what they are doing, otherwise they can leave scars on your skin.

Step 5

See a dermatologist for medication. Your dermatologist can prescribe medication with the vitamin A derivative retinoid, which the Cleveland Clinic reports will help break up your whiteheads and help prevent new whiteheads and blemishes from forming. The most common forms of retinoids are Retin-A, Differin and Tazora.