Facial Skin Care for Teenage Boys


While your teen years can be fun and exciting, they can also introduce plenty of new challenges. Puberty, for example, brings hormonal changes that cause teen boys to grow facial hair and produce extra facial oil. Yet managing breakouts and learning how to shave are just two small components of the big picture. Having excellent facial hygiene is a must if you want to keep your skin looking as healthy as possible.

Step 1

Follow a three-step cleaning regimen. To begin with, use a gentle cleanser that specifically states it won’t clog pores (the label may say “noncomedogenic”). Stay away from using soaps. They are harsh and tend to dry out the face, leading the skin to respond by producing even more oil. Follow up cleansing by lightly applying a non-alcohol-based toner. Finally, if you are trying to manage acne, spread on a gel or lotion that contains a small percentage of either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, both of which are known to help clear skin.

Step 2

Wash twice a day and leave it be. Stick to washing once in the morning when you wake up and once before you go to sleep. Don’t overdo the cleaning regimen by washing many times a day or you may aggravate your skin and cause acne flare-ups. Moreover, let your cleansing ritual do its job and avoid picking at or popping pimples, which may cause already existing pimples to become inflamed and increase the chance that blemishes will turn into permanent scars.

Step 3

Shave carefully to avoid razor bumps and ingrown hairs. Begin by warming up your skin, either by shaving in the shower or applying a warm, wet washcloth to your skin for a few moments. Warming up your skin makes it more supple and, therefore, easier to shave. Next, liberally lather a thin, moisturizing shaving cream along the area you intend to shave. Proceed to shave using a single-blade razor if you’re in the shower, or a single-blade or electric razor if you’re shaving outside the shower. Since single-blade and electric razors don’t shave as closely to the skin, they reduce chances of skin irritation and ingrown hairs. Also shave in the direction of hair growth to cut down on irritation, cuts and ingrown hairs. Rinse with plenty of water, pat dry, and finish off by applying a moisturizer that contains sunscreen.

Step 4

See a dermatologist if you have questions about improving your skin. A dermatologist can offer you professional advice and determine if your complexion struggles require a prescription medication. Consider asking your parents to locate a dermatologist who specializes in teen acne in order to get treatment that is more specific to your condition.