Cheap & Efficient Acne Remedies

Acne is a condition characterized by pimples and blemishes on the skin. Many factors may contribute to the formation of acne, such as excess oil on the skin, bacterial growth and hormonal factors. There are a variety of cheap and efficient acne remedies available, many of which can be purchased in drugstores and grocery stores for under $20.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is a common acne remedy used in many name brand skincare products. It works by killing bacteria called P. acnes that live in the skin and cause breakouts for some people. In addition, benzoyl peroxide may help soothe inflammation that leads to excess oil production while cleansing pores of dead skin.

According to, benzoyl peroxide is less likely than some antibiotics to cause resistance with repeated use.

Side effects of benzoyl peroxide are usually mild and include redness, dryness and local irritation. To help reduce side effects, start with a small dose every other day and gradually work up to more frequent use.

Products containing benzoyl peroxide usually sell for $5 to $10, but price may vary depending on the brand and formulation.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil derived from the Melaleuca alternifolia tree. According to the National Institutes of Health, tea tree oil may help reduce breakouts just as well as benzoyl peroxide. As an added bonus, tea tree oil is generally well tolerated by patients and may be less likely to cause side effects like itching and flaking.

Tea tree oil may cause irritation in those with sensitive skin. To reduce the likelihood of irritation, dilute with water and apply only to acne prone areas. Tea tree oil and products containing it usually range in price from $7 to $20.

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a popular topical acne remedy. It belongs to a class of drugs called keratolytic agents, which promote shrinkage of blemishes by unclogging pores and relieving swelling.

According to Medline Plus, salicylic acid helps keep pores free of loose skin and may be useful for a variety of skin conditions. It is a common ingredient in many over-the-counter acne products and may be purchased as a single-ingredient cream or ointment.

Like other topical acne treatments, salicylic acid can sometimes cause local redness, dryness and irritation. Avoid applying it to broken or irritated skin, and allow your skin to adapt to the medication before applying it daily. Salicylic acid and products that contain it usually range from $5 to $15.