The Best Acne Face Wash Kits

Whether you are combating zits in high school or dealing with adult pimples, acne is difficult to deal with. It’s embarrassing and can hurt your self-esteem. Many acne face wash kits are available over the counter for combating your blemishes.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Acne face wash kits that contain 2.5 to 10 percent benzoyl peroxide are the most common and work by killing acne-causing bacteria. Some common over-the-counter acne face wash kits include brands such as: Proactiv, Glytone 10% Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Treatment Gel and MD Formulations Benzoyl Peroxide 10.


Acnetix is an acne face wash kit that’s available online and contains only organic and premium ingredients such as tea tree oil (a powerful antibacterial and antibiotic for your skin), white willow (a skin rejuvenator) and Retinol A (a form of vitamin A).

Men’s Science Daily Face Wash

For adult men who are in the throes of combating acne, there are products such as Men’s Science Daily Face Wash. This product harnesses the power of some of the most widely used ingredients for combating acne, like salicylic acid (a beta hydroxy acid), glycolic acid and alpha hydroxy acid.