How to Treat Hormonal Acne Naturally


Acne occurs when the pores in the skin become blocked by sebum, an oil that occurs naturally. This blockage can cause pores to become inflamed and erupt into pustules. Hormonal acne is most common during adolescence, when the increase in hormones produces an excess of sebum. You can treat acne naturally by keeping the skin clean and applying astringents you can make at home.

Step 1

Wash your skin with a gentle liquid soap and pat it dry with a clean towel. Limit your skin washing to twice a day if possible, as frequent washing can inflame your skin. However, you might need to wash more often if you exercise heavily.

Step 2

Apply a thin layer of honey to your acne and allow it to dry. Rinse the mixture thoroughly from your acne with warm water. The honey can remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin, which can block your pores.

Step 3

Use tea tree oil as a natural astringent. Tea tree oil is a common ingredient in face and body washes, and is available from supermarkets and health stores. You can also mix one part pure tea tree oil with 19 parts water to make a 5-percent solution of tea tree oil. Apply this tea tree oil solution very sparingly to the oily parts of your face. Use caution to ensure that you don’t dry out your skin too much.

Step 4

Peel a clove of garlic and slice it open with a knife. Hold the sliced end to your acne for no more than five minutes. Garlic acts as an astringent and also has antiseptic properties, which can kill bacteria. Garlic has a strong odor, so you should use this treatment only at night. Use caution with this treatment as garlic can burn or blister your skin.