How to Minimize Large Pores & Acne Pits


Dealing with large pores and acne pits can leave you wishing you could hide your face from view or at least be able to work the wonders of photo airbrushing in real life. But since this isn’t possible, there are ways to minimize your large pores and make your acne pits less noticeable. No treatment for these conditions works overnight, but real and satisfactory results can be attained with time.

Step 1

Wash your skin. Twice a day, use a mild cleanser that will not dry out your skin. You simply want to remove dirt, oil and makeup without stripping your skin until it peels or overproduces oil. A gentle approach is best for calming scars and large pores.

Step 2

Use a scrub. Do this a few times a week to remove dead skin cells that build up around pores and make them look bigger. Facial scrubs contain small beads that act as an abrasive against your skin and help slough off dead cells that give your face a dull look. The term “scrub” is kind of a misnomer, because you really only need to gently massage it into your skin. Vigorous rubbing could irritate your skin and make your pores and pits look worse.

Step 3

Visit your dermatologist for a dermabrasion treatment. You will need a few weeks to recover from this procedure, as the top layer is sanded off with a wand, leaving the treated areas an open wound. The good thing is that once your skin heals, your pores will look tighter and your acne pits a bit softer as some of the scar tissue will have been removed. Depending on the size of your pores and the severity of your scarring, numerous sessions may be needed to achieve the look you want.

Step 4

Make an appointment for a chemical peel with your dermatologist. An acid will be applied to the treatment area. You might feel burning or stinging, but it shouldn’t be severe. Then, the acid is rinsed off. You will be a bit red and your skin will be irritated for a few days following the peel (or longer if the acid was very strong). However, you should notice an improvement in the texture and tone of your skin following treatment. Several peels are needed to completely smooth out your skin.

Step 5

Moisturize your skin on a daily basis. Stick to an oil-free formula that won’t clog your pores. Dry skin makes your pores and acne pits look more pronounced. Moisturizing regularly makes the skin’s surface look smooth and even, taking attention away from your pores and other imperfections.