Home Remedies for Infant Acne

Infant or baby acne refers to small red spots on the face, neck or back that are caused by hormones passed from mother to baby prior to birth through the placenta. Although baby acne usually heals on its own with time, home remedies can safely reduce symptoms of infant acne. Infant acne generally disappears around 6 months of age; consult a physician if it becomes severe or persists past 6 months. Never pick at infant acne or use adult acne medications on an infant.

Soap and Water

The Mayo Clinic recommends washing a baby’s face with mild soap and warm water once daily. Over-washing can lead to over-drying and irritation of the skin, especially in babies who have sensitive skin. Gently pat the skin dry after washing with a soft washcloth. Do not scrub; baby acne is not caused by dirt.

Avoid Oils and Creams

Avoid using oils or creams on baby acne, even on infants with dry, irritated skin. According to Dr. Alan Greene, oils and creams do not help and may aggravate acne.

Honey and Lemon

Honey, which contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, is a natural treatment for infant acne, and lemon juice reduces redness and inflammation. Baby Safety Concerns recommends using lemon juice and honey as a home remedy to treat infant acne. Mix 1 tsp. honey with 1 tsp. lemon juice. Use a cotton swab and apply the mixture to infant acne. Allow the mixture to sit for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use caution when using lemon juice on infants with sensitive skin, as it can cause drying or irritation.


Choose gentle detergents when washing a baby’s clothes. According to Home Remedies for You, using a proper detergent for cleaning infant clothing is as important as using a proper soap for cleaning an infant’s skin. Avoid harsh detergents; these reduce the softness of infant clothing and can cause irritation and inflammation of a baby’s skin.