How to Get Rid of Brown Spots of Face


The brown spots on your face are called age spots, and they form when you expose your skin to direct sunlight for long periods of time, increasing the amount of melanin in your skin cells. While age spots can happen to just about anyone at any age, the brown spots on your face usually form when you are over the age of 40. You can do certain things to get rid of the brown spots on your face. The key is staying out of the sun, using natural ingredients and cleaning your face properly.

Step 1

Use the right skin cream. The Mayo Clinic recommends buying an over-the-counter skin cream to get rid of the brown spots on your face. They recommend creams that contain the ingredients hydroquinone, vitamin C and retinol. If the over-the-counter medications aren’t strong enough, the Mayo Clinic says you should go to your dermatologist who can prescribe a stronger medication that contains steroids.

Step 2

Stay out of the sunlight. Since the number one cause of your age spots are UV rays from the sun, you must stay out of the sun if you want to fade your brown spots and prevent new ones from forming. If you have to be out in the sun, wear a hat and sunglasses. Wear a sunscreen that contains an SPF of at least 30.

Step 3

Use buttermilk to get rid of the brown spots on your face. Buttermilk contains a natural ingredient that can help fade them. It also helps your skin cells produce at a faster rate, replacing the unhealthy cells that contain the most melanin with fresh, new cells that will make your skin appear lighter in color. Put a cotton ball in a bowl of buttermilk and rub onto the dark spots on your face. Let the buttermilk evaporate into your skin.

Step 4

Use lemon juice. Like buttermilk, lemon juice contains a natural ingredient that helps fade the dark spots on your face. Over time, this natural bleach can get rid of your age spots. Buy a fresh lemon or a bottle of lemon juice at the grocery store. Dip a cotton ball in the juice and run onto the dark spots on your face. Let the juice evaporate into your skin.

About this Author

Emily Ann has been a writer since 2005 specializing in a variety of topic, including health and fitness. She has experience in broadcast media and wants to bring her knowledge of breaking down complex stories into easy-to-follow articles for the various online publications for which she writes. Ann earned a Bachelor of Arts in broadcast journalism and English.