How to Remove Brown Spots on Skin


The dark spots on your skin are called age spots, and they form on your skin when you have been out in the sun for long periods of time. Age spots can form on your skin at just about any age; however, for the most part they strike adults older than 40. The age spots on your skin form when the amount of melanin in your skin decreases. When you expose your skin to UV rays for too long, it breaks down and ruins the collagen and elastin in your skin. Collagen and elastin help keep your skin young and fresh-looking. Without them, age spots form. There are things you can do to remove those pesky brown spots from your skin. Cleaning your skin the correct way, staying out of direct sunlight and using natural remedies can help.

Step 1

Stay out of direct sunlight. Since exposure to the sun is the main cause of age spots, it is essential to limit the time you are out in the sun. When you have to be outside, cover up as much of your body as possible. Wear long pants, long sleeves, sunglasses and a hat. Also, make sure you wear a strong sunscreen all over your body with an SPF of at least 30.

Step 2

Use lemon juice. Lemon juice contains a natural bleach that can help fade the brown spots on your skin. Go to the grocery store and buy a real lemon or a bottle of lemon juice. Squeeze or pour the juice into a bowl and dip a cotton ball into the juice. Put the cotton ball on your dark spots and rub the juice into your skin. Let the juice evaporate into your skin.

Step 3

Use buttermilk. Buttermilk works in a similar way to lemon juice. Buttermilk also contains a natural bleach that will gradually fade the dark spots on your skin. Buttermilk helps your skin cells regenerate at a faster pace, helping replace the damaged cells around your dark spots. The new cells help reduce the appearance of your dark spots. Buy a carton of buttermilk at the grocery store, soak a cotton ball with the buttermilk, and rub it onto your skin. Again, let the buttermilk evaporate into your skin.

Step 4

Use skin cream. The Mayo Clinic says there are several over-the-counter medications that can help get rid of age spots. Make sure the cream contains bleach, retinoids or a mild steroid. If the over-the-counter medications don’t work, go to your dermatologist. He can prescribe a stronger medication like hydroquinone or tretinoin.

Step 5

Exfoliate. Go to the pharmacy and and buy a skin scrubber and a mild soap. When you are in the shower or tub, squeeze some soap onto the scrubber and vigorously rub the area around your dark spots. This will help remove all the dead skin that has built up around your age spots. This layer of your skin contains the most melanin, the chemical that makes the spots on your skin appear dark. By getting rid of this layer of skin, your dark spots will appear lighter.

About this Author

Emily Ann has been a writer since 2005 specializing in a variety of topic, including health and fitness. She has experience in broadcast media and wants to bring her knowledge of breaking down complex stories into easy-to-follow articles for the various online publications for which she writes. Ann earned a Bachelor of Arts in broadcast journalism and English.