Ways to Stop Coughing Attacks

Coughing attacks can be caused by a variety of things, including allergens, asthma, irritants caught in the throat, smoking and even chest colds.There are a number of ways to try to stop a coughing attack. These attacks can be embarrassing when they occur in public and can easily interfere with daily activities. Luckily, there are some things you can to stop a coughing attack when it occurs.

Hot Liquids

When a coughing attack occurs, many people reach for a cold glass of water. Drinking hot liquids can also be effective in stopping a coughing attack. According to howtostopcoughing.net, hot tea with lemon and honey is a great way to stop a coughing attack. According to the site, tea has a natural soothing effect and the honey can coat your throat, which helps coughing to cease. Hot milk with honey can also soothe a cough, and drinking the mixture before bed can help you have a cough-free night.

Hot water can also have a calming effect on coughing. The website for Northwestern University Health Sciences recommends using hot water with lemon juice to tame a cough.


If you are a person who gets a cough in winter, it may be caused by a dry atmosphere. Heating your home can cause the air to dry out, but using a humidifier can restore moisture to the air and help you keep coughing at bay, according to Northwestern University. Another way to stop an incessant cough is to step into a hot shower. This is an excellent way to breathe in hot vapors. Adding essential oils like eucalyptus and peppermint to your humidifier or hot shower can also help to stop winter coughing. Northwestern University also recommends trying Loquat and Frittilary Jelly, which are two common Chinese medicines that have been used to successfully treat acute or chronic cough.

Cough Drops or Cough Syrup

There are a number of good cough drops on the market that can help soothe the irritation that causes coughing attacks. A number of them rely on menthol to help stop the cough, and some even employ the use of citrus juices from lemons or oranges. Sucking on a piece of peppermint or a piece of tart candy may also do the trick. There are also a number of good over-the-counter cough syrups that you can purchase. However, the website for Northwestern University recommends creating a homemade cough syrup out of two parts honey and one part lemon juice. The combination of the two flavors is sometimes enough to give a cough the boot.