Tips for Dry & Coarse Hair

Your hair is one of the first features people notice about you. If your hair is damaged and looks dull and frizzy, it can detract from your appearance, no matter how well put together you are otherwise. Dry, coarse hair can result from improper care, or it can be a sign of a medical condition that should be treated by a physician or other medical professional.

Cut Back

According to Ladies’ Home Journal, the first step to repairing the damage to dry, brittle hair is a professional haircut to remove split ends. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends gentle treatment for dry hair: less frequent shampooing and blow drying, as well as regular conditioning. Los Angeles hairstylist Joanne Harris, quoted on Mother, recommends using heat styling instruments sparingly on hair that tends to be dry to minimize damage.


Dermatologist Thomas Goodman Jr., an assistant professor at the University of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences says that dry hair feels coarse because the outer layers of the hair, known as the cuticles, have peeled away from the main hair shaft. Conditioners “glue” the cuticles back down to the hair shaft. This also allows light to reflect from the surface of the hair, which gives it a shine.

Tips for African American Hair

African-American hair tends to be dry, prone to breakage and have a coarser texture than hair of other ethnic groups, according to The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Training Program. To minimize damage and promote maximum hair growth, African-Americans should wash their hair every week to 10 days, condition after every shampoo, and comb out hair while it is wet. Use natural oils such as jojoba oil to condition the hair and scalp. Heavy oils such as mineral oil can block hair follicles and inhibit hair growth.

Tips for Mature Women

The diameter of the hair shrinks after 40, and coloring the hair makes it more prone to swelling and breakage, according to More magazine. The solution is a hair mask with fatty acids to improve hair texture and silicone to increase shine.
The keratin structure of hair benefits from reinforcement, said David Orentreich, an assistant professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

See A Doctor

There are times when dry, coarse hair is a symptom of a bigger problem, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Consult a physician if your hair is coming out by the handful or if its appearance does not improve with gentle treatment.