Salicylic Acid Benefits

Salicylic acid is a relative of salicylic acid acetate, better known as aspirin. But instead of being ingested, salicylic acid is generally applied topically. Some people experience redness, itchiness and burning sensations when they use salicylic acid. Rarely, some individuals may experience allergic reaction to its use. Salicylic acid is a common ingredient in low dosages in over-the-counter creams, gels, lotions, medicated pads, foot creams, wart-removing gels and creams, shampoos and acne masks. Prescription formulations containing salicylic acid are usually stronger and may cause a more severe reaction during the first stage of use. As with any medication, if you have questions or concerns about whether you should use salicylic acid, check with your health care provider first.

Treating Scaly and Thickened Skin

Salicylic acid attacks areas where skin has gotten thick, dry or scaly by softening up skin cells so that they shed more quickly, according to MedLinePlus, an online health information resource maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. That scale-shedding power makes salicylic acid a frequently recommended treatment for ichthyoses–which is a name for a grouping of genetic skin disorders–psoriasis, dandruff and other skin conditions. Salicylic acid may also help speed up healing for calluses and corns. If the scaly or thickened skin is also broken, infected or bright red, check with your health care provider before using salicylic acid.

Improving Skin’s Appearance

Salicylic acid frequently appears in acne-fighting products because of its ability to help unclog pores and therefore remove one of the main causes of acne while reducing the redness and inflammation caused by existing acne, according to MedLinePlus. Salicylic acid is also a beta hydroxy acid, a kind of exfoliant which tends to be less irritating than alpha hydroxy acids and which has benefits for people with oily skin, according to the Harvard’s health publication, “HealthBeat.” “HealthBeat” also contends that salicylic acid levels of 1.5 to 2 percent can help reduce signs of aging by sloughing away dead skin cells that can make skin look dull and older.

Removing Warts

Salicylic acid combined with a drug called 5-fluorouracil is an effective treatment for normal and plantar warts, according to a study by I. Zschocke and colleagues published in Germany in 2004 in the “Journal of the German Society of Dermatology.” The study found that this medication combination was effective in completely clearing up common warts for 63.4 percent of 625 people and effective in clearing up plantar warts for 63 percent of 101 people.