Fast Acting Acne Home Remedies

If you suffer from repeated occurrences of acne outbreaks, there are many methods of treatment you can use, from over-the-counter cleansers to prescription creams and drugs. And while you should seek medical advice for your breakouts first, some home remedies work just as well as standard treatments, according to the Mayo Clinic, and are much gentler on your skin.

Tea Tree Oil

An extract from the Melaleuca alternifolia—a plant native to Australiathat has long leaves and that grows usually by waterbeds and riversides—has been used for centuries to treat a wide variety of different skin ailments, ranging from dry scalp and contact dermatitis to boils and even outbreaks of acne. The main reason this oil is so effective is because of a chemical contained within it that is called terpinen-4-ol, which is a fast-acting antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic. A bit of oil diluted with water and dabbed on pimples can help them heal faster.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial complexes that aid in combating acne and other skin conditions. This extract works because of two chemicals it contains called catechol tannin, which is derived from another key ingredient: tannin acid. This fast-acting home remedy for acne can be applied directly to your blemishes.


Toothpaste contains sodium fluoride, which works to dry out excess oils and clear clogged pores while at the same time reducing inflammation and skin blemishes quickly. Use only the paste formulations, however. Gels won’t work. Likewise, leaving toothpaste on your skin for too long can cause irritation and even chemical burns, so rinse well with warm water after about 15 minutes.