How to Get Rid of Vertical Lines Above the Upper Lip


During the years, our bodies age resulting in sagging skin and wrinkles. Facial wrinkles such as around the lips a normally vertical and become deep indentations. Proper lip care is essential to getting rid of lip wrinkles without harming the surrounding skin. Several home and dermatologist remedies are available to eliminate lip lines and wrinkles safely.

Step 1

Wash your lips daily with cool or warm water and a mild soap free cleanser. Washing with hot water dries the skin and may cause irritation. Pat the skin dry with a clean towel after cleansing and avoid rubbing of the skin. Patting dry will help the skin retain moisture.

Step 2

Apply a lip balm that contains sunscreen protectant to the lips and directly outside of the lip line. Sun exposure to the lips prevents healing and worsens the condition. Lip balms are formulated with skin softeners as well and will keep the skin well hydrated.

Step 3

Apply a facial cream containing vitamin C to the lip area after cleansing and before bed. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant and clears the skin of toxins and bacteria while promoting the return of skin’s natural elasticity through collagen fiber formation.

Step 4

Opt for dermabrasion treatments from your dermatologist. Dermabrasion sloughs off the outer layers of damaged skin, revealing fresh new skin that lies beneath. This method may take several treatments before desired results are achieved.

Step 5

Allow your dermatologist to perform a chemical peel if dermabrasion is not an option for your individual needs. Chemical peels work similar to dermabrasion by removing the outer layer of damaged skin exposing new skin using mild chemicals.