How to Remove Stomach Stretch Marks


Stretch marks are white or purple lines on your body that occur when tissue under your skin when your skin is stretched to the point of breaking down and tearing. Stretch marks often occur after rapid weight loss, weight gain, hormonal changes or pregnancy. Stomach stretch marks usually appear after giving birth. Stretch marks can make you feel self-conscious about wearing swimsuits or other clothing that reveals that part of your skin. Fortunately, many treatments are available to help you get rid of stomach stretch marks.

Step 1

Ask your doctor if prescription Tretinoin cream might help you. Tretinoin is effective in gradually removing stretch marks when they are new, such as right after giving birth. Tretinoin can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so make sure to apply sunscreen to your stomach before going outside.

Step 2

Apply a good microdermabrasion cream to remove stomach stretch marks. These creams contain a physical abrasive which may help to gradually slough off the surface layer of skin and promote collagen growth and cell regeneration. Make sure it contains alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) complex, the main ingredient that fades away stretch marks and other skin discolorations. Ask a pharmacist which cream is best for your skin.

Step 3

Undergo a chemical peel. A dermatologist will apply a chemical solution such as trichloroacetic acid or alphahydroxy acid to your stomach area. These chemicals will smooth the texture of your skin by dissolving the surface layer of your skin. After the procedure, your skin will begin to peel, and new skin will develop after one to two weeks, revealing clearer and smoother skin.

Step 4

Consult a dermatologist for professional microdermabrasion. A dermatologist will apply abrasive crystals on your stomach to polish the surface layer of skin. She will then use a vacuum to remove the crystals and skin cells, stimulating the growth of new skin. You probably will need several sessions to permanently remove the stretch marks.