How to Remove Hair From Forearms


Body hair grows in differently, depending on the individual. Women tend to have more vellus hair and men tend to have more terminal hair. Vellus hair is fine, light and short, while terminal hair is thicker and darker. If you have small patches or a full covering of hair on your forearms, you have several different options available for removal. Each one takes a little bit of time and work.

Step 1

Shave the hair if you are male and it is thick. Start by trimming down the excess with a pair of electric clippers. Get as close to the skin as possible without scraping yourself. Wash your skin with warm water and leave it wet. Slather on shaving cream and run a new razor across your skin in short movements. Wash the blade every few strokes to free it from hair and cream. Continue until you’ve hit all the areas then wash your skin again.

Step 2

Apply a depilatory cream to dissolve the hair away. Soften the hairs on your skin by washing it, drying it and then applying a warm washcloth. Apply the cream liberally and leave it on your skin for as long as recommended by the manufacturer. Take the moist wash cloth and wipe off the hair while applying pressure. Continue in all areas where you want hair removed and wash your skin when finished.

Step 3

Remove the hair with a waxing kit. Heat the wax for as long as directed and apply it in the direction of hair growth with the applicator stick that comes with the kit. Leave it on until it gets tacky, then flatten the durable cloth strip over top of it. Grab the top edge of the strip firmly with your fingers and rip the hair off in a swift, downward motion. Repeat in all areas where you want hair removed.

Step 4

Pluck out your forearm hair with a good pair of tweezers. Hold the tweezer tips around the hair about a 1/4 inch from the skin. Carefully pull the hair straight out in a steady motion. Repeat with all the hair that you want removed. This type of removal is best for small patches.

Step 5

Make an appointment to get long-term results with laser hair removal. This is done by a certified doctor or nurse. A beam of laser light is shot down on your skin where it attacks the melanin which gives your hair its color. The follicle then is damaged, causing the hair to fall out. According to the Mayo Clinic, you may need four to six treatments spaced a number of weeks apart for best results. Be aware that this treatment works best if you have dark body hair and a light complexion.