Poison Oak Home Remedies

Poison oak is a plant that can induce a red, itchy rash when you’re exposed to it. The plant is primarily located on the West Coast and has a telltale three-leaf configuration, much like poison ivy, according to the National Institutes of Health. Most poison oak outbreaks are mild and can be treated with home remedies similar to poison ivy remedies. Symptoms typically last from one to three weeks.


Wash the affected areas of your skin with warm water and soap within 30 minutes of exposure to the poisonous plant to prevent the oils from soaking into your skin. Scrub your fingernails thoroughly to prevent transfer of the oils to other parts of your body. Poison oak oils can linger on clothing, too. Remove clothes and wash them immediately. The National Institutes of Health recommends bathing in an oatmeal solution to soothe the itching. Bath products that contain aluminum acetate also can provide itch relief. Animals and garden tools should be cleaned, as well.

Stay Cool

Sweating and body heat aggravate the hot rash developed after poison oak contact. Remain in the shade or in air-conditioning. Avoid vigorous exercise until the rash abates. Cool compresses applied to the skin also can alleviate some of the pain and itching.

OTC Remedies

Over-the-counter lotions applied to the skin can reduce the swelling and relieve the itching. Products such as calamine lotion and creams that contain hydrocortisone can reduce itching and prevent blistering. Apply lotions two to four times per day. When lotions and bathing don’t provide enough relief, doctors at the Mayo Clinic report that antihistamines sometimes can help. Oral products that contain diphenhydramine are most effective.