How to Make Bath Scrubs


Bath scrubs exfoliate the skin to remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and make dry skin more accepting of moisturizers. Unfortunately, commercial scrubs are typically expensive and many contain unnecessary chemicals and other ingredients. Making your own bath scrub at home is simple, affordable, and offers the added benefit of enabling you to tailor the ingredients to work best with your specific skin type. Moreover, if you make the bath scrub in large batches, you can pour the extra into a decorative container and give it as a birthday, baby shower, or anniversary gift.

Step 1

Pour 3 cups coarse sea salt into a large metal pot or heavy, glass bowl. Choose your container carefully, as the coarse sea salt can damage delicate materials during the mixing process. Alternatively, substitute Epsom salt for sea salt.

Step 2

Mix 1 cup of baby oil, safflower oil, or extra virgin coconut oil with the sea salt, and then mix the ingredients with a large spoon. The salt should be completely coated. Add more oil until the mixture reaches a wet, pasty consistency.

Step 3

Add essential oils to the mixture for fragrance. Begin by adding only a few drops, and then stir well before smelling. Add more essential oils, if desired.

Step 4

Move the bath scrub from your pot or bowl into a container with a tightly fitting lid. Store the container in a cool location out of direct sunlight.