The Best Herbs for Hair Growth

Hair loss is a common problem among men, and in Westernized societies it can bring some embarrassment. Male-pattern baldness is the primary cause of hair loss, but hair can recede, thin or disappear entirely for other reasons, including alopecia, hair-shaft disorders and chemotherapy treatments. While not all cases are correctable through natural methods, there are several herbs known to stimulate hair growth and potentially trigger regrowth of hair.

Sage and Rosemary

Sage is one of the best-known herbs for weak hair and hair loss. According to, it is ideal for weak hair that may be brittle or falling out. Sage is also present in some shampoos because it helps promote generate health in hair strands and follicles. Rosemary is also an effective herb for hair loss and is known to stimulate the hair follicles and hair growth. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, an effective way to use sage and rosemary is together as essential oils. Mix four drops each of sage and rosemary with four drops peppermint and 1 tbsp. vegetable or olive oil. Massage this mixture gently onto the affected scalp or skin once or twice daily.

Milk Thistle and Ginkgo

Both milk thistle and ginkgo are taken to treat more specific hair-loss conditions such as alopecia and hair-shaft disorders. Milk thistle helps by detoxifying the scalp and hair shafts, while ginkgo is rich in antioxidants and stimulates blood flow to the hair follicles. Both are best taken as standardized extracts. Take milk thistle extract in doses of 80 to 160mg two to three times daily. Ginkgo extract should be taken in 40 to 80mg doses three times a day.


Relora is another herbal supplement that works to treat alopecia and hair-shaft disorders, similar to milk thistle and ginkgo. It also works to relieve stress and provide support to the adrenal glands. However, instead of as an extract, relora is best taken as a capsule or tablet. Take 250mg of relora one to three times daily to enjoy the herb’s benefits.