Description of Hot Stone Massage


Hot stone massage is a form of massage therapy that uses specialized stones called basalt stones. These stones hold heat, helping to create a deep tissue massage to work tight, knotted muscles and release tension. Hot stone massage is relaxing and is known to have some health benefits.


Massage is thousands of years old, dating back to ancient China, Japan, India, Egypt, Greece and Rome. These ancient societies recorded using “rubbing” for healing and rituals, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Native Americans added a more modern twist by first putting basalt stones, heated by fire, on bodies to heal. Since then, the technique has evolved and in 1993, Mary Nelson developed her trademark LaStone therapy, which uses a variety of stones for a deep tissue massage.


Basalt is a strong, smooth volcanic rock that contains iron and magnesium, which allows it to absorb heat. It’s ordinarily found on ocean floors and lava flows. The stones are all different sizes and weights, from large to small, with small stones used on the face and feet and larger rocks used as tools by the therapist to work muscles in different areas of the body.


The therapist heats the stones in a boiler of hot water to 120 degrees F. This is a safe and effective temperature that usually keeps the stones warm throughout the massage. While the person lies on her stomach on the massage table, the therapist places the hot stones on the back, or sometimes on top of a towel, leaving them on either side of the spinal column on acupuncture points. This warms the skin and surrounding muscles to help release tension and increase blood flow. Smaller stones with oil are used to massage the person’s muscles and tissues instead of using the hands. The therapist will use other shaped stones to apply pressure to tense areas and to knead the back, legs, feet, arms and sometimes the face.


Placing and kneading hot stones over muscles helps increase an area’s circulation and blood flow to stimulate healing to painful or damaged muscles. The deep tissue massage and heat of the stones also aid in the ability to move toxins and waste through the body. Massage also promotes relaxation, eases stress and anxiety, as well as alleviates muscle aches and back pain. One study, published in the June 2003 issue of “Annals of Internal Medicine,” reviewed evidence from past trials that showed massage was effective for chronic back pain.


Massage is considered safe, but there are some potential side effects and concerns for certain people. The rigorous nature of the hot stone deep tissue massage may cause muscle soreness and slight bruising. Oils used may cause skin irritation for those who have an an allergy or skin sensitivity. Hot stone massage is not recommended for pregnant women, those with high blood pressure, diabetics, those who have weak or broken bones, or open sores or wounds. Check with your physician to be certain you don’t have a health concern that may be contraindicated for a hot stone massage.