How to Stop Scalp Odor


Scalp odor can have various causes. Fungus growth is one potential cause, according to the Beauty Brains website. Poor hygiene is another. If you’re unable to clear up scalp odor at home, you should see a doctor to determine whether a serious skin condition or infection could be causing the problem.

Step 1

Spritz a small amount of hair refresher spray onto your hair. These sprays, which contain a blend of botanicals to mask odors, are available at most hair product retailers and can temporarily resolve the issue.

Step 2

Apply a small amount of crushed garlic cloves to your hair’s roots before shampooing. According to the Home Remedies for You website, garlic can kill germs and neutralize scalp odors. Leave the garlic on for approximately 10 minutes before shampooing. If you don’t have garlic available, you can use juice from an onion instead.

Step 3

Treat the scalp with a sulfur-based shampoo. Sulfur can remove the smell and dissolve any oil that could be linked to the scalp odor. Choose a shampoo that uses a 10 percent concentration of sulfur. Use the shampoo daily for three weeks. Since the shampoo causes dryness, use a conditioner after each application.

Step 4

Wash the towel that you are using. A mildewed towel can create scalp odor.

Step 5

Change your pillowcase. A dirty pillowcase could also be causing your scalp odor. Keep your linens fresh if you are suffering from the condition.