Pilates Exercises With Resistance Bands

Pilates exercises build strength in the area of your body called “the powerhouse.” The powerhouse refers to the muscles around the waist and lower back, which include the abs. Resistance bands are elastic bands that may be used during Pilates exercises to work the powerhouse. A strong powerhouse promotes improved stabilization and posture.

Roll-Up with a the Resistance Band

The roll-up is a popular Pilates exercise that targets the muscles of the abs. The resistance band is incorporated into the exercise to help you keep your form as you roll your body up from the floor. To perform the roll-up, sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Wrap the band around the bottom of your feet and slowly lie back onto the floor. Keep your arms at your sides as you hold an end of the band in each hand, palms facing your thighs. Your abs are squeezed tight to support your spine during the exercise. Slowly roll your spine up off the floor one vertebra at a time and bend forward at the waist as you reach for your feet. The tension from the band will help you roll-up. Do not let go of the band or let it fall off your feet. Roll back down to the floor slowly, too.

Teaser with the Resistance Band

The teaser is a challenging, multi-part exercise. Adding a Pilates band modifies the exercise slightly. To perform the teaser with a resistance band, sit on the floor and wrap the band around the bottom of your feet. Your arms will stay straight in front of your body to hold the ends of the band. Lie on your back and bend your knees toward your chest. Then, straighten your legs against the resistance of the band at about a 45-degree angle from the floor. The feet are flexed toward the ceiling to keep the band in place. Raise your head and back off the floor and bring the legs higher toward the ceiling so you are balancing on the “sit bones” of your pelvis. Next, lean your upper body toward the floor and simultaneously lower your legs too, if you can, and bring your legs as low as you can to complete one rep.

Hundred with the Resistance Band

The hundred is a classic Pilates exercise that can be made even more difficult with the aid of a resistance band. The abs and lower back muscles are the main muscles worked in this exercise, but as with every Pilates exercise the entire powerhouse is trained. Do the hundred by sitting on the floor and extending your legs straight at a 45 degree angle from the floor. The band is wrapped around the bottom your feet and you hold an end of the band in each hand with your arms straight at your sides. Then, lean back with a straight back until your lower and middle back are on the floor. Your head and shoulders are in the air. Next, move your arms up and down with small movements so you do not affect the tension or placement of the band. Do as many reps as you like, though traditionally someone will do 100 reps broken into 10 sets.

About this Author

Sarka-Jonae Miller has been a freelance writer and editor since graduating cum laude from Syracuse University in 2003. She was a personal trainer for four years with certifications from AFAA and NASM. Miller also worked at 24 Hour Fitness, LA Fitness and as a mobile trainer. Her career in the fitness industry begin in 2000 as a martial arts, yoga and group exercise instructor.