Getting rid of allergies permanently with a combination of holistic techniques

Once you’ve been diagnosed with an allergy, your doctor will probably say “Oh well. Nothing you can do but treat it whenever the symptoms get too overwhelming.” Conventional drugs do not remove the allergy, they just treat the symptoms.

But there’s at least one doctor who would object to that analysis.

Dr. Devi Nambudripad of Buena Park, California says it’s possible to get rid of allergies completely and permanently. This doctor, who is trained as a medical doctor, chiropractor and acupuncturist, has created a system called “Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique” or NAET.

Dr. Nambudripad combines energy balancing, acupuncture, kinesiology and dietary changes to help each patient get rid of their allergies. And this doesn’t mean eliminating the problematic food or allergen from your diet or environment. She is actually talking about making the allergy disappear! And she says it works with all types of allergies – foods, pollen, dust, grasses, cats, dogs, fabrics, chemicals, plastics — you name it.

This is a big claim. But I have seen evidence to back it up. A medical doctor here in Ohio swears by this technique, and has treated literally hundreds of patients with it. I’ve heard similar success stories with other practitioners. In fact, Dr. Nambudripad has trained 7,500 practitioners of NAET around the world. To find a practitioner near you, go to this Web page and click on “Find a Practitioner.”

I know many people who have debilitating, often life threatening, allergies. It seems like this non-invasive, quick-acting treatment is at least worth a try for those who suffer.

Author by Daryl Kulak