
Uses of Bitter Melon

Bitter melon is the fruit of Momordica charantia, a tropical vine found throughout Southeast Asia, India, Africa, China and part of the Caribbean. As the name implies, the fruit, or melon, imparts a bitter taste. Since this plant has such…
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Tests for Cushings Disease

Cushing’s disease occurs sufferers have high levels of cortisol because they have a pituitary adenoma. An adenoma or a benign tumor, has structures which look like a gland. This pituitary adenoma is located in the anterior pituitary gland. It does…
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Renal Ultrasound Procedures

An ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves that transmits through body tissues and provides an echo in return, showing up as a real-time video or photographic images. Renal ultrasounds detect and confirm any conditions related to the kidneys, bladder and ureters….
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The Effects of Low HDL

High Density Lipoprotein, or HDL, is the protective cholesterol that sweeps up potentially damaging Low Density Lipoproteins and Triglycerides and carries them to the liver for storage and disposal. To be effective levels of HDL need to be above 40…
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Health Effects of Cortisol

Cortisols regulate inflammatory and immune responses, appetite and the balance of sodium in the cells. They treat lupus, arthritis, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, respiratory conditions, low functioning adrenal glands and transplant patients so that their bodies do not reject their new…
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Reasons for Bone Marrow Test

Bone marrow, the spongy inner part of bones, produces platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells. Bone-marrow testing assesses the health of a patient’s bone marrow. Sampling of bone marrow requires either a biopsy or aspiration procedure. Bone-marrow testing…
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Old Age Dementia Symptoms

Old age dementia generally involves diminished mental capacity to perform daily tasks that involve memory, physical coordination and executive functioning. It is often gradual rather than immediate. The Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center at Northwestern University states that in…
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Renal Disease Treatments

Renal disease,often referred as kidney disease, results in gradual loss of kidney function leading to high levels of fluid and waste in the body, according to the Mayo Clinic. Filtering toxins from the blood through small structures called nephrons is…
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Bunion Surgery Risks

Bunion surgery is performed to correct deformed bones of the big toe that cause pain and difficulty walking. Many bunions can be treated without surgical intervention, but over time the patient’s condition may become so painful that his ability to…
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Artery Cleansing Herbs

An herbal artery cleanse can help rid your body of arterial plaque buildup that can cause severe heart complications. The buildup of debris and heavy metals begins in the blood stream. By taking herbal supplements that can increase your heart…
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Complications of Brain Swelling

Brain swelling, also called cerebral edema, can affect the brain’s ability to function. Injuries, infections, toxin exposures and brain tumors can cause brain swelling. The University of Connecticut Health Center notes that two types of brain swelling can occur: vasogenic…
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