Author Archive: D. Victor

Keys to a Successful Relationship

The success of long-term endeavours are based on their premises or foundations. A relationship is certainly a long-term endeavour that involves different components. The keys to unlock a successful relationship are well-known. Relationship success can be simply thought of as…
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Why Relationships Die

Organisms die and systems fail when critical functions can no longer be performed. Relationships, particularly intimate ones, are no different in that regard. A relationship is a system that requires inputs from two parties and various outcomes that include fulfilment,…
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Relationship Conflict

Disagreements in a relationship can be quite natural and healthy. However, when a disagreement becomes a ‘contentious exchange of views’, there is just cause for a pause. Indeed, in all things, there should be moderation. An argument- which is just…
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What are the Stages of Romance

In terms of classifying romance into stages, the concept of bonding is most appropriate. Bonding – in this context – refers to the growth of attachment between lovers that includes intellectual, physical, spiritual and emotional components. Pair bonding is generally…
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