Ways to Improve Breathing

Proper breathing is important for optimal health. Dr. Andrew Weil, author and proponent of integrated medicine, says that practicing mindful breathing is a great way to help with stress-related health problems, to calm or even to energize the body. Some breathing techniques can calm the body and spirit, some can energize the nervous system. Regardless of your need to improve your breathing patterns, almost any technique you practice is sure to benefit your body and your life.

Bellow Breaths

Proper breathing is important for optimal health. Dr. Andrew Weil, author and proponent of integrated medicine, says that practicing mindful breathing is a great way to help with stress-related health problems, to calm or even to energize the body. There are many breathing exercises to choose from. Some breathing techniques can calm the body and spirit, some can energize the nervous system. Regardless of your need to improve your breathing patterns, almost any technique you practice is sure to benefit your body and your life.

Relaxing Breaths

All you have to remember is four-seven-eight to practice this simple relaxing exercise. Empty your lungs through your mouth with a loud whoosh, then place the tip of your tongue on the soft tissue behind your top teeth, leave it there throughout the exercise. Breathe in through your nose to a count of four, filling the lowest parts of your lungs down to the abdomen. Hold for a count of seven. Exhale through the mouth to a count of eight. This is one breath and should be done slowly. Exhalation should always be longer than inhalation, says the American Medical Student Association. This is a great technique to soothe the nervous system. Use it during times of stress, anxiety or depression.

Breath Counting

Another relaxing breathing exercise is breath counting, used in Zen practice, says Dr. Weil. Sit up straight, spine erect but relaxed, upper body leaning slightly forward. With eyes closed, let the breath enter your body naturally. Then count “one” to yourself as you exhale, the next time you exhale count “two” and so on up to “five.” Begin a new cycle with an exhale of “one.” Try not to count past “five.” If your mind wonders, simply start over at “one” again. Counting only on the exhales, let your breathing become rhythmic and deep. Try this breathing technique with meditation.