Tips for Turkey Day: staying slim!

One the very best feelings that come from Thanksgiving is the guilt-free pleasure derived from the tryptophan-induced hibernation we all get after gorging on turkey all day long. Having said that, Health Day wants to remind everyone that there are ways to stay trim on both sides of the table! Whether it is in the preparation, or just the eating, they have some advice for Thanksgiving enthusiasts.

For cooks, there are several ways to spruce up your feasts or avoid a disaster. Make sure you confirm any food allergies that your guests may have ahead of time. Like my girlfriend Liz can tell you, peanuts could be a red flag and you would never even know! After all, the last thing you need on Thanksgiving is a trip to the emergency room. It also helps to eat a solid meal before you start preparing the banquet in order to curb your own munching appetite.

What about for us guests? Well, HealthDay suggests eating something rich in fiber before the meal in order to prevent overeating. And possibly the best advice they give is to eat slowly and stop before you’re full, because it takes a while for your body to react.

Author by Adams Briscoe