Strained Tendon in Foot

You may know, every foot is composed of 100 tendons and ligaments,50 muscles, 33 joints and 26 bones, which is one of the most complex parts among our body. The tendons are the bridge connecting the bones with muscles so that this can make your feet move freely. The connective tissues that consist of the tendons are elastic and strong. Medically, we act the tendons as Achilles tendons,peroneal and tibialis. As the largest tendon which can run from the calf to the heel, the Achilles tendon is more easier to injury than other parts in our body.

What Causes the Strained Tendon in our Foot

Now why tendons of our feet are the parts which can be prone to injure and strain? The main factor is the stress that they suffered. Sometimes the direct trauma can also cause the tendons be strained or torn, and in some cases it can occur too, for example, if you just jump from the place with some height, for some reason you may cause your ankle to bend awkwardly. Besides,there are other causes that can result in tendons’ injuries in your foot, Repetitive motion and strenuous activity are the two usual factors which will cause this condition, especially your body is not accustomed to the activity. For those people who have extremely high arches, their foot tendons are more easier to be strained and tore than others. Tendonitis can cause your foot tendons weaken and strain eventually due to the tendons inflammation, sometimes the tendon will tear or rupture. Occasionally,there are no known causes for strained tendon in the foot. Particularly in the elderly population, the tendons can be weak with the aging process so that it may lead to strains or tears spontaneously.

What Are Symptoms and Complications of Strained Tendon in Foot

How to tell if your foot tendon is ruptured, torn or strained? How can I evaluate if there are some symptoms and sings?


In common, patients will most likely encounter pain in the foot tendon so that it can probably make your foot move or walk inconveniently. For those patients who have got the Achilles tendon strain, the feet with tendon problems even may not endure the weight. When people are suffering from the tendon injury due to direct trauma, they can probably go through pain accompanied with swelling or bruising. Once a strained or ruptured tendon occurs, you may hear a sound of snapping meanwhile the pain starts. If you have the Achilles tendon, there may be an indentation nearby the tendon, normally in the upper or lower part.


There are several complications if your foot tendon injures. Among these complications, Tendonitis and Tenosynovitis are the two normal complications.

  • 1. Tendonitis: On one hand, it can be one of factors that can lead to the strained tendon. On the other hand, it can also be one of complications which patients may develop. People with tendonitis may experience the tendon swelling due to inflammation. The skin which covers the tendon will be reddened and hot, and you will feel tender once you touch this area.
  • 2. Tenosynovitis: Acting as another complication for people with a strained tendon, it can make the synovium inflamed.
  • Fortunately, these two complications are commonly not severe. For the treatment of both complications, patients needs plenty of rest and also take some anti inflammatory medications in order to relieve the symptoms such as pain and swell.

    Remedies for Strained Foot Tendon

    Medical Treatment

    First of all, the doctor should diagnose the tendon injury in the foot by a thorough exam according to the results of the test, usually you will be advised to make your foot fixed with cast or splint. Since the affected foot can’t be born weight, the physician will provide non-weight bearing splint or cast – for this reason you may be on crutches for a period of time. In addition, in order to strengthen the tendons and muscles in your foot the physiotherapy is really needed for patients.

    Once your foot tendon injures severely such as complete tear and rupture, you may be sent to repair the tendon by a surgeon. Sometimes you will be required for a surgery if extremely severe, in this case, the doctor will immobilize your foot and ankle for some time as the tendon heals. The time of your tendon healing may vary from several weeks to months, and there are some factors that can affect the healing time including your age and the seriousness of the injury and also the overall health. At the same time, you will also be suggested to be on crutches for putting no weight on the injured foot.

    Home Remedies for Strained Tendon

    There are a few home remedies if your foot tendon strains and injuries slightly.

    • Ice. You can apply an ice pack by wrapping in a towel into the affected area at the begin of injury, keep it for 20 minutes then left for 20 minutes. Do it repeatedly in every 20 minutes.
    • Elastic bandage. Wrap your ankle by using an elastic bandage, this can help you relieve the symptom of swelling before visiting the doctor. Here you need to be noted that you should apply the bandage loosely, because applying it tightly can possibly get your injury worse as this can cut off blood supply to the toes and foot.
    • Elevation. Keeping your foot high above the level of your heart is a good remedy because this can maintain the blood from accumulating in the foot so that it can help reduce the pain and swelling. Furthermore, when you are in bed you should as much as possible prop your foot up on pillows.
    • Ankle taping. For this treatment you should consult with your healthcare provider to determine if it is suitable for you to tape your ankle for participation in athletics.
    • Drugs. The most common symptoms of tendon problems are pain and swelling, so you can take some OTC medications to decrease these symptoms. These drugs are very useful for treating inflammation of strained tendons, among of them, Ibuprofen does work very well as the Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
    • No exercise. Follow the instructions that your physical therapist prescribed if you are in treatment. If you have got minor strained tendon in the foot and you are treating on your own, the guide is the swelling and pain you are experiencing. In general, it will be increase the risk for the further tendon injury if you attempt to do workouts and exercises too much and too soon.
    • Rest. A lot of rest will be helpful for you to keep further injury from the strained tendon. In most cases, using crutches to bear no weight on your tendon can also be the type of rest.

    An basic video on ankle taping can be viewed:


    At last, to prevent tendon strains and injury you have a few things you can do.

    • First of all, there are certain things that you should avoid, such as intense activity and jumping from the high place, these things may cause a strained tendon to your foot.
    • At the begin of exercise or activity, do some body stretches in order to prevent your tendons from strains and injury.
    • When you are participating in athletic, you should make sure that your running shoes wear properly and fit well so as to support your heel and arch quite well.

    Remember: If you feel the pain in your foot persists for a few minutes when you stop the activity, you should deal with this condition by visiting your doctor.