Workouts to Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite is the bane of many women, clinging to the hips, thighs and the back of the arms. Dimpled pockets of fat resist efforts to make them disappear, but a few simple yet challenging exercises and workout routines will blast that cottage cheese away in a relatively short period of time. Combining a variety of workout methods, reducing calorie intake, and performing cardiovascular exercise daily are very effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Combo Blast

Combine several cardiovascular and weight bearing or strengthening exercises for an effective all around fat blasting workout. Exercise for 20 minutes doing strength or weight training, suggests Dr. Wayne Westcott, a physical fitness director and author of “No More Cellulite.” Perform ten different upper and lower body exercises first. Upper and lower body exercises may include but are not limited to squats, lunges, waist twisting exercises, and basic calisthenics-type exercises like jumping jacks, toe touches, and push-ups. Aim for 8 to 10 repetitions of each exercise before moving on to the next. Follow these strengthening moves with at least 20 to 30 minutes of cardio exercises, such as jogging, running, bicycling, swimming, aerobic or step or kickboxing workouts or sports like swimming or tennis or basketball. This cardio and strengthening workout will burn calories and fat, eliminating dimpled pockets of cellulite all over the body.

Hip and Thigh Cellulite Eliminator

Perform this exercise cycle for ten repetitions each to help reduce and eliminate cottage cheese on the legs, thighs, hips and buttocks. Stand with your feet about shoulder distance apart to start, suggests Joe Atlas of Body Building for You. With your right leg, step forward into a lunge position and touch the floor with your left hand. Keep the back straight and don’t allow the right knee to extend past the top of the right foot. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg and hand.

Then, using a small step stool or bench between 12 to 18 inches in height, place the right foot on the stool and bring the left foot up to the step and then return the left foot to the floor. Repeat this 10 times and then switch legs. Repeat the lunge cycle and the step cycle three times, performing 10 repetitions on each side for all.

Aerobic Intense Workout

A vigorous cardiovascular workout provides excellent benefits in reducing and preventing cellulite. High-intensity exercise burns more fat, preventing it from pocketing in your hips, knees and thighs. For an effective aerobic or cardio workout indoors or out, try combining treadmill or jogging, bicycling and stepping in 20-minute increments. At the gym, rotate between the treadmill, bicycle and elliptical or stepping machine. Outdoors, try jogging for 20 minutes, then bicycling for 20 and then find some stairs or steps and navigate up and down for about 20 minutes. Other activities that prove effective as massive calorie burners include rowing, swimming, squash, and tennis, suggests Cellulite Treatment, an online resource for ratings, information and reviews of common cellulite exercises and products.