How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Surgically


Stretch marks are pink, red or purple scars that develop as a result of rapid weight gain or exposure to steroids and the hormone cortisol. The marks are common on the abdomen, upper arms, buttocks, thighs and breasts, but can develop anywhere. Kids Health states that stretch marks eventually lighten and fade on their own, but they can be embarrassing and cause you to become self-conscious. Dermatologists and plastic surgeons offer surgical options to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Step 1

Determine the cause of your stretch marks with the help of your doctor. During a physical evaluation, he may be able to tell if your stretch marks are the result of rapid weight gain or something else, such as regular steroid use or Cushing’s syndrome. According to the Mayo Clinic, Cushing’s syndrome is characterized by the body’s overexposure of the hormone cortisol, and the result is widespread stretch marks. Cushing’s syndrome or steroid use require special treatment, such as medication, to treat the cause of the stretch marks.

Step 2

Schedule a consultation with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon to determine which method of stretch mark treatment is best for you. Some treatments, such as pulsed dye laser therapy and fractional photothermolysis, target the underlying skin layers to stimulate collagen production and are most effective on new stretch marks. LA Laser Center states that laser therapy works best if you have a fair complexion. Other treatments work best for older stretch marks, such as microdermabrasion, which is performed by using crystals to polish the surface of your skin and remove dead skin cells. An excimer laser changes the skin’s pigment to make old and light stretch marks blend in with the rest of your skin.

Step 3

Discuss a tummy tuck with your doctor if stretch marks on your stomach are a result of pregnancy. According to Berardi Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery in Arizona, a tummy tuck completely removes stretch marks that are located under your belly button by removing much of the skin. It also helps to reduce the appearance of stretch marks above your belly button by stretching and tightening your skin. You may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck if your weight is stable and your stretch marks are on your lower abdomen.

Step 4

Make arrangements to prepare for your stretch mark treatment. Your dermatologist or plastic surgeon may have specific instructions before your treatment session, such as how you should care for your skin. If you have a pigmentation disorder, dark skin or a dark tan, your doctor may need to do a skin test before attempting laser therapy.

Step 5

Follow your doctor’s directions after your treatment. Make any appointments necessary for follow-up sessions and monitor your progress. LA Laser Center states that your stretch marks may continue to improve up to six months after your treatment.