How to Get Rid of Blackheads Around the Mouth


Blackheads, also called comedones, are small skin bumps that look yellowish or blackish and can appear around your mouth, forehead, nose and chin. Blackheads form when the inside openings of skin pores are plugged up with sloughed-off dead skin cells or oil on the skin. Blackheads appear more often on the face, especially around the mouth and nose, than on any other part of the body. Remedies for blackheads include over-the-counter ointments or prescription creams, but results from these products may not be visible for months. An instrument used by beauticians and dermatologists called a comedone extractor can remove blackheads immediately.

Step 1

Rinse the comedone extractor under running water for a full minute to remove any dust or particles. Submerge it in a bowl filled with isopropyl alcohol. Cover the bowl and set it aside for two to four hours. Remove the comedone extractor using clean hands, and wipe it dry with a clean facial tissue.

Step 2

Wash your face with warm water and antimicrobial soap. This will open your pores to prepare your skin for blackhead extraction. Wash your hands with water and antimicrobial soap after rinsing your face. Dry your hands and face with paper towels.

Step 3

Sit in front of a mirror in a well-lit room and look for the blackheads around your mouth. Firmly and gently push the hole of the comedone extractor over each blackhead. Pick the blackhead off with your fingers or with a pair of tweezers that has been cleaned with isopropyl alcohol. Quickly dab your nose with an alcohol-soaked facial tissue or cotton ball to clean and disinfect your skin. Wipe the comedone extractor with alcohol to disinfect it before using it on another blackhead.

Step 4

Wash your face with cold water after you’ve extracted all the blackheads. Cold water helps close pores.

Step 5

Apply a small amount of over-the-counter antibiotic ointment around your mouth, avoiding your lips, after washing and drying your face. The ointment will help prevent skin infections.