Reasons for Dark Circles & Puffy Eyes

While dark circles and puffy eyes are typically not a major medical concern, they can be irritating and embarrassing. Both conditions become more common with age. If you’re lucky enough not to have an circles yet, consider preventative treatments such as sunscreen and an anti-aging eye cream. If you’re currently bothered by either condition and over-the-counter products haven’t helped, a dermatologist can recommend a more advanced treatment.

Sun Exposure

While dark circles and puffy eyes are typically not a major medical concern, they can be irritating and embarrassing. Both conditions become more common with age. If you’re lucky enough not to have circles yet, consider preventative treatments such as sunscreen and an anti-aging eye cream. If you’re currently bothered by either condition and over-the-counter products haven’t helped, a dermatologist can recommend a more advanced treatment.


Allergies can cause both dark circles and puffy eyes. Mike Tringle, director of External Affairs for the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, states, “The most common types of ocular allergies are the result of seasonal allergens such as pollen and mold spores. But pet dander, dirt, smoke and chlorine can also irritate the eyes.”

A healthcare provider can perform a simple skin test to diagnose the exact cause of your allergies. The best remedy is to simply avoid the allergen, but of course that’s not always possible. Instead, over-the-counter allergy medications can be effective for people with mild allergies. A prescription treatment may be necessary for people with more severe allergies.


As your body ages, the skin becomes thinner and the collagen loses its elasticity. According to the Mayo Clinic, this makes blood vessels under the eyes more apparent.

There are several over-the-counter creams available to reduce dark circles. Some eye creams can reduce puffiness as well. Be sure to read the label as some products will only help reduce one or the other.

Applying a warm compress to a puffy eyes for 15 minutes after waking up in the morning may also be an effective, natural way to reduce or eliminate puffiness.

Family History

Family history is another factor in whether or not you develop dark circles or puffy eyes. If you’ve tried over-the-counter creams and they don’t work, contact a dermatologist for additional help. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, there are several different types of laser treatments available that can eliminate dark circles under the eyes. There is typically little to no recovery time with these treatments. On the downside, they can be costly and are not likely to be covered by insurance.