Nutritional Causes of Blemishes

Acne is a common complaint, especially in teenagers, although adults can also suffer from it. The exact causes of acne are unknown, but it is thought to result from clogged pores, excess oil on the skin, inflammation and bacteria. There is also some evidence that diet and nutrition can affect the odds of developing acne.

Greasy Foods

Although researchers have not proven a direct link between greasy foods such as french fries or popcorn and acne, there may be an indirect relationship. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, eating greasy foods can cause acne because grease may remain on the face, especially in the area around the mouth, after eating. Grease can clog skin’s pores, and clogged pores can cause breakouts.

High-Calorie Intake

There is speculation that eating a high-calorie diet can affect the development of acne, reports This is because eating a diet high in calories might lead to an increase in hormone levels, although the linkage is still unclear. High hormone levels have been linked to breakouts, so those individuals who eat a high-calorie diet might be more prone to acne.


A link between chocolate and acne has not been proven. However, chocolate is generally high in saturated fat, and frequent consumption of saturated fat is thought to make acne more likely. Other desserts high in saturated fat, like cakes and ice cream, can have the same effect.

High-Glycemic Diet

Diet has an effect on insulin levels in the body. Insulin is the master hormone and affects all other hormones, including androgens, states Hormonal fluctuations, especially with androgens, can cause acne or make it worse. So a diet that causes insulin spikes can cause acne. Insulin spikes are caused by eating foods high in simple sugars, including many processed foods and beverages such as sports drinks and sodas. Eating a diet that is focused on vegetables, fruit and fish and has limited meat can stabilize insulin levels and improve acne.

Low Omega-3 Levels

Increasing levels of omega-3 acids in the body can help those with acne. Omega-3 can be taken in the form of fish oil tablets or by eating fish itself. Other foods high in omega-3 are walnuts, winter squash and flax seeds. Omega-3 is anti-inflammatory, and because there is evidence that one of the causes of acne is inflammation in the skin, it makes sense that consuming foods with these acids can help acne.