How to Make Homemade Remedies for Acne for Teens


Acne occurs when oil and dirt clog pores and hair follicles, causing the area to become inflamed. states that acne is common in the teenage years due to hormonal changes and increased oil production. Teenagers are still developing body image views and can be self-conscious about their appearance, and the Mayo Clinic states that acne can sometimes cause emotional distress. Home remedies can clear up acne and prevent future breakouts,but it may take several weeks to see improvement.

Green Tea Cleanser

Step 1

Boil 1 cup water in a pot on the stove. Once it reaches boiling, remove it from the heat.

Step 2

Steep one green tea bag in the hot water for 10 minutes. Allow the tea to reach room temperature.

Step 3

Wash your face using the green tea, then pat your face dry with a towel. According to Pioneer Thinking, green tea contains antioxidants that are beneficial for your skin and also helps reduce inflammation.

Oatmeal Mask

Step 1

Slice an avocado in half with a knife. Remove the pit and scoop out the green flesh, placing it into a bowl.

Step 2

Mash the avocado flesh with a fork. Add 1/3 cup honey and 1/2 cup oatmeal to the bowl. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Step 3

Apply the mixture to your skin for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse it off with cool water. The ingredients in this mask help to nourish your skin, reduce inflammation and remove oil.

Egg White Mask

Step 1

Slice a lemon in half using a knife. Squeeze the juice of one of the halves into a bowl.

Step 2

Crack open a raw egg and separate the yolk from the white. Using a fork, beat the white into the lemon juice.

Step 3

Rub the mixture onto your face and allow it to dry for about 15 minutes. Rinse it off with cool water. The lemon and egg white help to kill bacteria and shrink pores.


Step 1

Mix 3 cups water with 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar.

Step 2

Pour the mixture into a jar that you can keep stored next to your sink.

Step 3

Apply the mixture to your face using a cotton ball after cleansing. For best results, use the astringent daily. Apple cider vinegar helps remove oil from your face and tighten your pores, reducing acne.


Step 1

Mix together 1 tsp. oatmeal and 1 tsp. baking soda.

Step 2

Add water until the mixture is a thick paste. You will need approximately 1 tsp. water.

Step 3

Scrub your face with the mixture for 60 seconds, using your fingertips.