Home Remedies for Removing Old Acne Scars

Old or new, acne scars can cause people to be self conscious of their appearance. According to the International Edition of the Acne Guide, there are four different types of acne scars: icepick, boxed, rolling and hypertrophic. Icepick scars are deep scars. Boxed can be deep or shallow and tend to resemble chicken pox scars. Rolling scars are shallow, giving the skin a wavelike texture. Hypertrophic and keloid scars are thickened, rising above the skin’s surface. Knowing the type of scar you have will help you determine the treatment to administer.

Topical Applications

There are many creams, lotions and kits available to treat scars regardless of how they were caused. Most are good for rolling and shallow boxed type scars, and will require multiple applications. Most products work by either bringing dead skin cells to the surface to slough it off creating a smoother surface, or they soak into the scar working at it from the base.

Natural Alternatives to Topical Applications

Vitamin E is a very popular natural alternative to most chemical applications for scars. It is found in many all-natural scar topical treatments. It works on all types of scars by soaking to the scar’s base to begin removing it. Multiple applications will be required over an extended period of time.


Microdermabrasion works from the surface down, scraping off the top layer of skin to reveal the new skin underneath and provide a smoother appearance. It uses tiny crystals to sand off the skin without being as harsh as dermabrasion and requires virtually no healing time. Multiple treatments will be required for full effect, though it can only benefit shallow rolling and boxed scar types.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are similar in process to microdermabrasion, except they use an acid rather than abrasion to remove the top layer of skin. Chemical peels remove the top layer of skin, which heals without scarring. It can leave your skin red and swollen, however, so as with any product for your skin, test it in a small hidden area first.