Home Remedies for Childrens’ Sinus Infections

A sinus infection occurs when the openings of the sinus become clogged by mucus. In this mucus, germs and bacteria can easily grow, causing an infection. Sinus infections can occur due to allergies or a cold—or they may even develop as a result of a medical condition or a deviated septum. Although a child’s sinus infection is typically treated by a doctor, there are several ways to help reduce symptoms right at home.

Warm Washcloth

The U.S. National Library of Medicine recommends applying a warm, wet washcloth or towel to a child’s eyes, nose and cheeks several times daily to relieve discomfort. Not only does this help reduce congestion in your child’s sinuses, it will help reduce any facial pain.

Rinse Nasal Passages

To clear out mucus from the sinuses, the Mayo Clinic suggests rinsing out your child’s nasal passages often. You can use a neti pot or a squeeze bottle specifically designed to clear nasal congestion using commercially prepared saline.

Or, as the University of Maryland Medical Center recommends, make your own saline solution by stirring together ¼ tsp of salt and a half cup of warm water. Suck up some solution using a bulb syringe and have your child lie on his back. Place two drops of the solution into each nostril and wait for about a minute. Turn him over onto his tummy and allow the mucus and discharge to drain into a tissue. For a baby too young to blow his nose, suction up the rest of the discharge with the bulb syringe.


Loosen nasal congestion and encourage mucus drainage by having your child inhale steam several times a day. The Mayo Clinic says to do this by placing his face over a bowl of hot water. Place a towel over your child’s head, trapping in the steam. You can even fill up the bathroom with hot steam from a shower and have your child just sit and breathe in the moist, warm air. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends giving steam treatments right before bed to help your child sleep and breathe easier.


According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine a child should drink extra liquids when suffering from a sinus infection. Fluids help sinus infections by diluting the mucus, making it easier to drain. For young children, provide breast milk or formula often. Avoid caffeinated beverages and those that contain sugar—both can make symptoms worse.