Hand Massage Benefits

In Western society, the benefits of massage were once reserved for the wealthy. The term “massage parlor” is often used as a euphemism for for a brothel. However, massage has been an important part of traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM, for the past 4,000 years, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Increasingly, Americans are beginning to recognize the health and well-being benefits of therapeutic massage. Hand massage in particular can provide you with a range of benefits if you suffer from pain or are in distress.


Research reported by the Knowledge and Research Center for Alternative Medicine, and described by PubMed.gov stated that hand massage provided benefits to patients suffering from dementia. The limited data suggest that hand massage could be beneficial to achieve a reduction of agitated behavior in the short term. In addition, adding touch to verbal encouragement had a beneficial effect in persuading patients to eat.


A 2010 study published by the Journal of Clniical Nursing, and reported by EureakAlert, claimed that relatives whose loved ones had recently died received significant benefits from hand and foot massages. The 25-minute-long massages were administered by practitioners at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden during an eight-week period. According to lead researcher Dr. Berit S Cronfalk of the Stockholms Sjukhem Foundation, which provides palliative care, soft tissue massage stimulates the release of oxytocin by activating touch receptors.

Palliative Care

A study conducted by the Shizuoka Cancer Center Hospital in Shizuoka, Japan, reported in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine and described by PubMed.gov, found that hand massage produced a measurable reduction of stress in patients with end-of-life-stage cancer. Each of the 34 patients involved in the study received a five-minute hand massage. Saliva samples collected after the massage were compared with those collected before the massage. The saliva samples collected after the massage showed statistically significant differences in salivary chromogranin A, or CgA.

Arthritis and Joint Pain

The University of Maryland Medical center reports that massage may relieve pain and improve joint function, including joint function for the hands, if you are suffering from osteoarthritis. Additionally, children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, or JRA who receive massage therapy often experience less pain and morning stiffness, including in their hands. Massage may also relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia and sprains in various parts of the body, including the hands.