Hair Loss in Babies


Hair loss in babies is nothing to panic about. Understanding and determining the cause of each baby’s hair loss can help parents, caregivers and doctors know how to treat the problem, prevent future hair loss and know when to expect the hair to grow back. Website Babycenter says hair loss is typically normal and not a cause for concern.

Hormonal Shifts

Normal hair loss is common in babies and occurs during the first six months of life. This type of hair loss is called telogen effluvium and is a result of dropping hormone levels. Although most of the hair on a baby’s head is in its growing phase, about 10 percent of hair is in the resting phase–just before it is shed. Changing hormone levels can cause hair to be shed more quickly. Many women who have recently given birth lose their hair as well for the same reason.

Medical Causes

Medical conditions can sometimes be the reason behind a baby’s hair loss. Ringworm is a fungal infection that results in patchy bald spots as well as redness, scaling and flakes. A thyroid problem can also cause hair loss, as well as a condition called alopecia areata, in which the immune system attacks hair follicles and causes random bald areas.


A baby’s doctor can determine whether a baby’s hair loss has been brought on by a condition or is normal. Ringworm is treated by an antifungal medication, and a thyroid condition will need to be treated by a doctor as well. A child with alopecia areata may need to see a dermatologist for prescribed treatments such as medicated cream. A baby experiencing hair loss from natural hormonal changes will eventually regrow hair. In the meantime, change his sleeping or sitting position regularly so that he does not repeatedly rub the same area of his scalp on a surface such as a mattress or baby seat. This can worsen bald spots and slow down regrowth.

Hair Care

Treat baby’s hair and scalp as gently as possible to encourage hair growth. A gentle shampoo should be used sparingly. Shampooing a baby’s hair too frequently can strip natural oils from the scalp and make it dry, leading to thin, less-healthy hair growth. Babies with longer hair can experience hair loss from tight ponytails or frequent brushing, so be sure to brush her hair gently and style it naturally to reduce hair loss.


A baby’s hair will begin to grow back when the cause of his hair loss is treated. Hair loss that occurs naturally after birth will fix itself when he is around 6 months old, and his hormone levels are normal. See his doctor if his hair does not grow back after six months and the cause has not yet been identified. His hair may also be a different color and texture when it grows back than it was at birth.