How to Treat Dark Elbows


Darkening of the elbows can be attributed to constant pressure from leaning or overexposure to the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. Melanin, the skin’s natural pigmentation, settles and increases in production in the elbows when these triggers are present. This causes the skin to become brownish or blue in color. These dark areas can be removed through simple steps that you can do at home.

Step 1

Mix the juice of one lemon and enough sugar together to form a thick paste. Massage the mixture into the elbow for five to ten minutes once daily. The lemon is a natural bleaching agent that will fade dark elbows while the sugar acts as a natural exfoliater removing dead skin cells and dry skin.

Step 2

Apply a paste made of glycerin and rose water the the elbows to decrease melanin production and bleach the discoloration. Both ingredients bleach the skin naturally while rose water is a natural astringent that removes dry skin and oils that can worsen the condition.

Step 3

Apply a thick moisturizer to the elbows daily, especially after bathing. Moisturizers reintroduce hydration into the skin, prompting the skin to heal itself and regulate melanin. Keeping the skin moist will also help keep it safer during short periods of sun exposure. A sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher should be applied for longer periods of outdoor sun activity.

Step 4

Cleanse your elbows daily with a gentle exfoliating cleanser. Exfoliation sloughs off dead skin cells while exposing new skin with repeated use. This will slowly remove discolored skin and return your elbows to their original skin tone.