Tips on Using Concealer for Under Eye Circles

Dark circles under your eyes can be caused by sleep deprivation, allergies, diet and genetics. Although dark circles can be unattractive, concealing them takes only a few minutes. By following some simple guidelines, you can eliminate the appearance of dark circles to give your face an alert and youthful look.

Choose the Right Concealer

Choosing the wrong concealer can actually draw attention to your dark circles by looking unnatural. When covering up dark circles, choose a concealer that matches your skin, or is only one shade lighter than your natural skin tone. Choosing too light of a concealer can cause a reverse racoon eyes effect, where the area under your eyes appears too light.

Select a concealer with a yellow or orange undertone. Yellow and orange are opposite to purple and blue on the color wheel, so applying a yellow-tinted concealer over purple under-eye circles will neutralize the color to help conceal it more effectively.

If you have very dark circles, dab a coral lipstick over the darkest areas, and then apply concealer. This will dramatically reduce the appearance of the circles.

Apply Concealer Correctly

If you apply foundation over your concealer, you are likely wiping your concealer away. Always apply your concealer on top of foundation. Use a concealer brush or your fingertip, and pat concealer onto your dark circles.

Start patting concealer on the darkest part of the circles, blending outward until your concealer forms a seamless line with the rest of your makeup. Do not rub concealer to blend it in, as this just wipes away the product.

After you have applied the concealer, brush a translucent powder over your skin to set the concealer and keep it in place throughout the day.

Use Highlighter

Use a highlighter on top of your concealer and powder to brighten your eye area and further reduce the appearance of dark circles. Highlighter contains particles that reflect the light, which soften imperfections and perk up your eyes.

Apply a small amount of cream highlighter over your under-eye area, and pat the highlighter into your skin, blending outwards. Apply a small amount of highlighter to the inner corner of each eye, and highlight under your brow bone. Highlighter brightens your entire eye area to give you a more alert, glowing appearance.