How to Stop Growing Body Hair


Waxing, tweezing, shaving and plucking hairs on your body can help get rid of them, but this is only a temporary means of stopping the growth of your body hair. According to the FDA, the only treatment that permanently stops hair from growing is electrolysis. Electrolysis is a process that destroys hair follicles and is done by putting a needle in the follicle and sending an electrical pulse through the body. The follicles are removed by tweezers after they are shocked, which prevents hairs from ever growing in that spot again. Electrolysis is best done by a professional, but it is indeed possible to do it at home.


Step 1

Sit next to table in an area that is brightly lit. Having a lamp or desk light can give you a better look.

Step 2

Use a magnifying mirror to help see yourself much closer.

Step 3

Place the tweezers, electrolysis needles, the alcohol and the saline solution on paper towels laid out across the table.

Step 4

Wash your hands, then rub rubbing alcohol on the areas that you intend to treat with electrolysis.

Step 5

Wash the tips of the needles, tweezers and electrolysis applicator pen with rubbing alcohol. This will disinfect the tools and make them safer to use.

Performing Electrolysis

Step 1

Set the electrolysis applicator’s pen to the lowest intensity setting available and slide the button forward to expose the needle.

Step 2

Hold the pen on the metal bands that are around the pen. This will help the electrical current generate. The best way to hold the pen is with your thumb and index finger.

Step 3

Determine what angle the hair that you wish to remove protrudes from the skin. Put the needle in the skin underneath the direction that the hair grows in. The needle should go in at the exact point the hair meets the skin. Gently put pressure on the pen to push it into the follicle.

Step 4

Rotate the needle slowly until you feel a tingling sensation in your skin. If you do not feel the sensation, slowly increase the intensity on the pen. Keep the needle still for about 15 seconds, then remove it from your skin slowly.

Step 5

Remove the hair using the tweezers. Repeat the steps until all the hairs that you want to remove are no longer there. When you are finished, clean your skin with the rubbing alcohol to disinfect the areas on which you used electrolysis.