Removing Stubborn Blackheads


Blackheads, or open comedones, occur when the pores in the skin become plugged and dilated by a mixture of oil, dead skin cells, dirt and bacteria. When exposed to oxygen, these plugs darken, hence the name “blackheads.” Daily washing and exfoliation removes most blackheads, but some may require additional attention. Even most stubborn blackheads are treatable at home with over-the-counter products.

Step 1

Remove blackheads by gently rubbing your face with a fine-grained exfoliating cream and loofah sponge or washcloth. Place a warm compress on the affected area for 15 minutes to soften the blackheads, then gently press down on either side of a blackhead with your fingertips. Avoid using your nails, which can damage your skin.

Step 2

Use a pore strip to remove stubborn blackheads on your nose. After wetting your nose, place the strip with the sticky side down onto the affected area. Wet the strip and wait 10 minutes, or for the time indicated on the package. Once the pore strip is hard, remove it carefully.

Step 3

Apply an acne mask to the affected area, allow it to dry, then peel it away. Blackheads near the surface of your skin should stick to the mask and come out during the peeling process. Acne masks are widely available in stores.

Step 4

Undergo a chemical peel to remove blackheads that remain in your skin after you have tried home treatments. The Mayo Clinic explains that chemical peels use salicylic or glycolic acid to burn away the top layer of skin. This procedure unclogs pores and removes blackheads. Some dermatologists perform chemical peels in their offices.