How to Remove Hair From a man’s Back


Once summer rolls around and a man knows that he’ll likely be seen in public without a shirt, he may want to consider his options for back hair removal. There are several temporary and permanent methods that remove hair from the back and most require regular upkeep to help you remain hairless. In most cases, you should enlist the help of someone during the hair removal process to better access the hard to reach areas.

Step 1

Shave the back. This is often the easiest remedy to use for removing back hair. There are attachments available that lengthen your razor in order to allow you to remove back hair without the aid of another person. Apply a moisturizing shaving gel and move the razor in the same direction of the hair’s natural growth pattern. New hair growth may appear as soon as a few days after shaving the back, however.

Step 2

Apply a depilatory cream to the back. A depilatory contains chemical that dissolve the hairs on the back. Results typically last up to two weeks before new hairs appear. If you develop any type of rash or irritation on the back, discontinue use and rely on another hair removal method.

Step 3

Wax the back hair. This method requires the assistance of another individual. While lying flat on your back, a cold or hot wax is applied to the area. Strips are adhered to the wax and then pulled away from the skin to remove hair. Results can last anywhere from three to six weeks. This method can be uncomfortable and cause initial redness and irritation.

Step 4

Make an appointment with a laser surgery facility. If you are tired of using temporary methods to get rid of back hair, laser treatments can provide more long lasting results. A concentrated laser destroys the hair follicle to stop hair growth. Repeat treatments may be required on an annual basis to keep your back hairless.