Remedies for Dry & Frizzy Hair

Frizz develops when the cuticle of the hair is damaged, leading to locks that are dry, lack shine and are difficult to style. Many different techniques are available to treat dry, frizzy hair, leaving you with tresses that are sleek, smooth and shiny. Try a few different options to find the method that works best for your hair type.

Shampoo Less

Washing your hair every day is not necessary if you have dry hair. Some people believe that washing hair less than once a day can leave hair looking oily, but for someone with dry hair, this is not a problem. If you don’t feel right without showering and wetting your hair each morning, wet your hair and run your fingers through from roots to tip, rinsing your hair thoroughly, then apply conditioner. Most conditioners contain small amounts of cleansers; these may be enough for your hair.

Add Moisture

Adding moisture to dry, frizzy hair is the most important step you can take in reducing dryness and frizz. Conditioners that contain humectants attract moisture to your hair and help the strands of hair retain that moisture, according to Salon Web. Use a daily conditioner as well as a weekly deep conditioning treatment. Allow the daily conditioner to soak into your hair for several minutes, or 10 minutes for a deep conditioner, before rinsing.

Treat it Gently

Dry hair is easily damaged, and damaged hair develops frizz. Comb your hair starting near the ends to work out tangles there, then gradually work your way up to the roots. Refrain from blow-drying, flat ironing and other types of heat styling. Refrain from coloring, perming and using other forms of chemical processing whenever possible.

Add Styling Products

Choose anti-frizz creams and sprays that contain silicone. This ingredient smoothes the cuticles, preventing frizz from developing and adding shine. Use a light hand with these products; it is easy to add more if needed. Applying too much can weight your hair down and make it appear greasy.

Get a Haircut

The longer your hair, the longer it has been around. Hair that is down your back has weathered the seasons, been pulled into multiple ponytails and other styles and probably has its fair share of split ends. It is possible to wear your hair long and keep it smooth and shiny, but this requires frequent trims to remove the damaged hair. Plan to visit the hair salon every six to eight weeks for long styles. Shorter styles will need more frequent trims.