Natural Ways to Get Rid of Pimples

Everyone gets pimples at one time or another, and sometimes they are completely unavoidable. When oil from the skin gets clogged in the hair follicles, it can trap bacteria and dead skin cells. This clog can cause an inflammation, which causes the skin to swell and become a pimple. To prevent breakouts, prevent oil, bacteria and dead skin cells from building up.

Wash Your Face

Wash your face twice a day using a gentle cleanser, recommends the Mayo Clinic. Washing your face less than twice a day will create dead skin cell and oil buildup on the skin, while washing your face more than twice a day may irritate it. Use a clean washcloth to gently exfoliate skin cells, recommends dermatologist Stephen Webster. Pimples around the hairline may be caused by oils from your hair. Wash your hair once a day to prevent pimples from forming around the hairline.

Don’t Touch

Touching your skin may spread more bacteria and oils from your fingertips to your face. Do not pick, squeeze or scratch pimples, as this may create permanent scarring. If you have long hair, tie it back to prevent hair from touching your skin, which can spread oil from your hair to your face. Wash your pillowcase at least once a week to prevent oils from your hair and face from getting on the pillowcase and spreading back to your skin, recommends the Mayo Clinic.

Avoid Stress

Stress may cause breakouts, says dermatologist George Murphy. If you begin to feel stressed out, take time out to practice deep breaths or meditate. Reducing your stress level may prevent your skin from breaking out whenever you have a paper due or you stay up all night working on a report for your boss.

Warm Compresses

Place a warm compress on the skin to reduce inflammation, recommends pediatric dermatologist Tor Shwayder. Wet a clean washcloth with warm water, then wring it out and apply it directly to the afflicted skin for 20 minutes. Repeat every day to help reduce inflammation due to pimples.