How to Lose Weight Without Developing Flabby Skin


Skin is flexible and elastic, which means it should be able to adapt to your body whether you’re gaining or losing weight. Loose skin tends to develop after weight loss when people lose weight too quickly, not allowing the skin enough time to follow. According to the Body Fat Guide website, losing weight too quickly often results in the loss of muscle mass, which in turn leads to flabbiness and an untoned appearance. You can minimize the flabbiness by doing exercises that tone and build your muscles.

Step 1

Lose no more than 2 or 3 lbs. per week. If you lose more than that you are likely losing muscle, rather than fat. Slow weight loss allows your skin to accommodate to your body’s new form and will prevent hanging skin from happening in the first place. If you’ve already lost lots of weight rapidly, slow down the pace to prevent the problem from worsening.

Step 2

Eat sensibly rather than going on an extreme diet. To calculate how many calories you should be eating to lose 2 to 3 lbs. per week, use a calorie calculator. Find a link to one in the Resources section. To lose 1 lb. a week, you must burn 3,500 calories more than you take in. Don’t completely shun any food groups and instead eat moderately from all.

Step 3

Start a weight training program to add muscle mass to your body. Muscle mass tightens the body and replenishes lean body mass, which in turn balances out your body composition and leads to a more toned appearance. Do weight training from the beginning of your weight loss program, aiming for two to four days of training per week. Alternate muscle groups so your body has time to recuperate between workouts.

Step 4

Stay hydrated to help your muscles respond better to exercise and your skin to stay elastic. Aside from drinking 64 oz. of water a day, eat plenty of vegetables and fruits: they are generally rich in water.