Information on Anti Acne Medications


Acne occurs when the opening of the skin’s pores get clogged with dead skin cells, which in turn blocks the sebum, or oil, inside the pores. Whiteheads and blackheads form. The P.acnes bacterium infects the sebum and multiplies, causing pimples, cysts and nodules. There are a variety of acne products available; different products use different active ingredients.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is used to treat mild to moderate acne. It is sometimes used in conjunction with antibiotics to treat more severe cases of acne. Benzoyl peroxide works by exposing the acne bacteria to oxygen because the bacteria cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment. Benzoyl peroxide is used topically and should not be ingested. The medication should be kept away from the eyes, eyelids, lips and mucus membranes. Also, sunscreen should be used, as benzoyl peroxide will make skin more sensitive to sunlight. Some brand name products that contain benzoyl peroxide are Benzac, Clearasil, Oxy, Triaz, PanOxyl, Benzagel and Brevoxyl.

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is used to treat mild to moderate acne. Salicylic acid works by causing the skin to shed dead skin cells and preventing the pores from clogging. Abrasive or drying soaps should be avoided while using salicylic acid because they can cause skin irritation. Also, if you experience burning, excessive dryness, irritation of the skin or any changes in the color of your skin, contact your doctor. Some brand name products that contain salicylic acid are Neutrogena, Oxy Balance and Stri-Dex.


Retinoids are prescription topical treatments. They are used for moderate to severe acne. Retinoids are unique because they are derivatives of vitamin A and become active only when they are absorbed in the skin. Retinoids work because they open clogged pores and help reduce any inflammation in the skin. Some of the side effects of retinoids are itching, burning and minor peeling of the skin. It is also very important to use sunscreen while using retinoids because they can make skin very sensitive to the sun. Some brand name products that contain retinoids are Tazorac, Retin-A and Differin.

Oral Contraceptives

Oral contraceptives are used to stabilize hormone levels and therefore control acne outbreaks. The oral contraceptives that contain both progesterone and estrogen are most effective in treating acne. The pills that contain only progesterone can actually make acne worse. Some brand name oral contraception pills that are good for treating acne are Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Estrostep FE, Seasonale and Yasmin.


Isotretinoin is used to treat severe acne in adolescents and adults. It works by reducing the skin’s oil production, changing the characteristics of skin oil and preventing abnormal hardening of the skin. Because isotrentinoin causes birth defects in fetuses, the Food and Drug Administration has strict prescribing guidelines and a risk management program called iPledge. Women of childbearing age are required to have two negative pregnancy tests before receiving a prescription for isotretinoin. Some of the products that contain isotrentinoin are Sortet, Claravis and Amnesteem.