Home Waxing Tips

Waxing is an effective hair removal method for nearly any part of the body, including the legs, face, pubic region and underarms. Unlike shaving, waxing removes the hair by the root, which means new hair will not grow in for weeks or months, or until the next hair growth cycle. This makes home waxing ideal for those who want an affordable hair removal method without the need for daily maintenance. Proper preparation, waxing technique and aftercare will ensure the best results while minimizing pain and other complications.

Preparation Is Essential

Proper preparation before waxing can reduce pain, maximize product effectiveness and prevent complications such as ingrown hairs, swelling and allergic reactions. Ideally, hair should be between 1/8 and 1/4 inch long to ensure the wax is able to grip the hair and pull it out. Trim long hair with scissors before waxing. Test the temperature of hot wax before applying it to the skin to prevent burns, and only apply wax to clean and dry skin that is free of lotions and cosmetics. Anyone new to waxing should perform an allergy test prior to hair removal. Retin-A and some prescription acne medications make the skin more vulnerable to burns. Discontinue use of these medications, with doctor approval, several weeks before waxing.

Minimize Pain and Inflammation

The pain associated with waxing ranges from mild to severe, and it may last for seconds to several minutes after hair removal. Because the skin is more sensitive to pain in the week before menstruation begins, Women’s Health recommends scheduling waxing during the two weeks after menstruation. Taking an anti-inflammatory medication about 30 minutes before waxing will also reduce pain and swelling. Topical numbing agents containing lidocaine can minimize pain when used correctly. These medications are available over the counter.

Proper Application

Avoid applying wax to irritated, wounded or sunburned skin. Doing so can increase pain and lead to infection and tissue damage. Choose thicker wax for coarser hair, such as pubic hair, and follow the manufacturer’s directions carefully when using a commercial product. Always apply wax in the direction of hair growth, then quickly pull it away from the skin in the opposite direction of hair growth. Keep as close to the skin as possible and avoid pulling at an angle. Massaging the skin after each strip of wax is removed may help ease pain and swelling.

Aftercare Tips

Waxed skin is highly sensitive and vulnerable to infection, making proper aftercare essential. Soreness, redness and inflammation may be helped by applying a moisturizer to the affected area. Aloe vera and cool compresses can relieve inflammation and soothe irritated skin. All Women’s Talk suggests avoiding swimming pools and hot tubs for several hours after waxing to prevent increased irritation and risk of infection. In most cases, redness and bumps should disappear within a few hours. Avoid sun exposure immediately after waxing.