Home Remedies for Dry Skin on Feet

Dry skin on the feet may be uncomfortable and can crack, providing an entry point for infection. According to ePodiatry.com, some individuals are genetically predisposed to dry skin, which can be exacerbated by not taking care of the feet. Using common ingredients that may already be in your kitchen, you can get smoother feet. You just need a few minutes each day to remove dry skin and moisturize the feet.

Salt Scrub

A homemade salt scrub will help remove dead skin cells from your feet. BellaSugar.com notes that using a salt scrub also gives your skin the benefits of the minerals in the salt, which increase the circulation in your skin, improving the health of your feet.

You can make the scrub by mixing coarse-grained salt or Epsom salt with enough oil to form a paste. Allow your feet to soak in water for five to 10 minutes to soften the dry skin, which should appear white after soaking. Dry your feet, and massage the salt scrub into your feet, one at a time, concentrating on your heels and the balls of your feet, where dry skin is most likely to develop. When you are done, rinse the scrub off with water, and dry your feet.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an emollient, which will add moisture to your skin to prevent the reformation of dry patches on your feet. In a 2004 study published in “Dermatitis,” Agero and Verallo-Rowell found that coconut oil was an effective moisturizer for those suffering from dry skin. The test subjects moisturizing with coconut oil showed an improvement in their condition, with increased skin surface lipid levels.

You can use coconut oil as a moisturizer after performing the salt scrub. Try extra-virgin coconut oil, and massage the oil into your skin, concentrating on the dry areas. If your feet are very dry, apply the oil in the morning and night.

Olive Oil

Extra-virgin olive oil is another effective skin moisturizer that will help you get rid of dry skin on your feet. A study by Viola and Viola, published in 2009 in “Clinics in Dermatology,” showed that olive oil contains oils that cannot be synthesized by the body, but they help maintain a skin barrier to prevent moisture loss, which can lead to dry feet. It also contains oleic acid, a type of fatty acid that acts as a skin softener. Finally, the study reports that olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties that may allow it to soothe irritated, dry skin.

You can use olive oil on your feet once or twice a day. You can also try alternating the use of olive oil and coconut oil on your feet. Massage the oil into your skin to moisturize and soften the skin of your feet, as well as to get rid of and prevent the formation of dry skin.