Foot Odor Remedies

Foot odor commonly occurs when sweat and bacteria becomes trapped inside your shoes. The Mayo Clinic says a type of bacteria that produce isovaleric acid is to blame for smelly feet. It’s little wonder your feet are prone to wetness and odor since they have more sweat glands than any other body part. Home treatments and lifestyle changes can usually help prevent and reduce foot odor. Sometimes a prescription deodorant or antiperspirant may be needed to effectively treat foul-smelling feet.


Washing your feet every day with an antibacterial soap is the first step in guarding against foot odor. Make sure you thoroughly dry your feet, including the areas between your toes. This is important because microorganisms like bacteria and fungi flourish in the damp crevices according to the Mayo Clinic.


Deodorize your feet each day just as you would under your arms. Spraying the soles of your feet with an antiperspirant can also help guard against wetness and odor.

Foot Powder

Over-the-counter foot powders or baby powder can help absorb sweat and prevent foot odor. Sprinkling pure baking soda or corn starch on the bottom of your feet or inside your shoes can be equally effective.

Zap it With Zinc

You may be able to minimize or eliminate foot odor by taking up to 15 mg of zinc daily. says zinc can make your skin less vulnerable to the bacteria that is responsible for sweaty and smelly feet. It may take a couple of weeks to notice the effects of taking zinc supplements.

Watch Your Diet

Certain foods make your feet sweat more than others. Potentially problematic foods include those with strong odors like onions and garlic. Caffeinated beverages can also contribute to increased sweating.

Footwear Considerations

Wearing thick, soft socks, preferably made of cotton or wool, will help absorb moisture. Make sure you change your socks once a day or more. Try not to wear the same pair of shoes on consecutive days because it takes at least 24 hours for shoes to completely air out. Removing insoles from your shoes can help them dry out more quickly. Leather shoes can help prevent sweating and foot odor because they allow your feet to breathe.